Tuesday 23 October 2012

The Older the Wiser?

Wisdom, a rather uncanny concept, has a momentous impact on shaping our everyday life as well as our destiny. What is wisdom? It’s obviously not the same as knowledge. You may know how to pick a lock, or steal a car, but it would be wiser to do neither. Therefore, wisdom is the ability to apply knowledge. For many years, people have argued with, or against the famous quote” With age comes wisdom”. I think that the most, if not all, of the quote is true.
Obtaining wisdom is a process of learning from past experiences, seldom would you be taught wisdom. Often, acquiring wisdom is a game of patience-it’s impossible for a person to be wise in the course of a childhood. For most people, wisdom grows with age.
I don’t express these statements out of thin air.
First of all, as a child, you are naïve and gullible with a straight forward brain, impossible to be wise or learn to be wise. As you grow older, your brain would then have the ability to learn, though you would become playful and careless. Children, who are almost capable of learning, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. It’s common for a child to ignore mistakes done and lesson of life, although they would benefit you throughout his/her life. Only by the time you become an adult, you would be more motivated and willing to learn, caring about the community, politics and have morals. As you grow even older, you would never stop to learn with countless experiences up ahead, experiences that you would never understand, if not care as a child.
Secondly, you wouldn’t have the chance to learn when you are young. Lying in a comfortable bed, playing with parent’s dedicated care… You are enveloped by your parents; no experience could be drawn. With the increasing age comes more opportunity to explore the planet and understand more about it- moral standards, critical thinking…  The learning process is tedious and slow, so patience is the best companion of wisdom.
Lastly, some may argue that, an eight years old boy maybe more wise than a 60 years old man. Though unlikely, it’s possible for a child to learn the unthinkable in a short period. Compared with how he would be 40 years later, the wisdom gained then is probably going to be multiplied. No matter how wise you are now, you would always become wiser as time pass by and you grow older. Therefore, time, rather age, is an important part of learning and usually an indication of how wise you are.
To conclude, as time pass by, we should try to learn from the past as much as we can, because age is more than an indicator of wisdom, it’s also an alarm clock that tell us about the time left.

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