Monday 19 November 2012

Macbeth Theme Essay


   Gazing afar the galaxy of poets, none shines as brightly as William Shakespeare. His

ingenious depiction of characters, uncanny medley of vocabulary, and use of rhetorical

devices was unprecedented. Shakespeare, in the play Macbeth, examines the

psychological aspect of crime. He puts forth an interesting notion – that one could be

easily shocked by crimes which appear abruptly in their full magnitude, but alleviated by

the stratagem of self-deceit, one could be negligent of the gradual growth of one’s own

wickedness as a consequence, which ultimately triggers more crimes. As Macbeth kills

Duncan, Banquo, and Macduff’s family, he undergoes a subtle change in character, and

ultimately becomes the tyrannical ruler portrayed in the end.

    Following the atrocious act of murdering Duncan, Macbeth, though engulfed by guilt,

immediately contemplates yet another crime. A major distinction can be seen between the

first and second great crime pertaining Macbeth’s judgment. Prior to the murder of

Duncan, a virtuous Macbeth shows reluctance towards temptation and sees the witches’

prophesy as merely a daunting yet inevitable burden. It is not through Lady Macbeth’s

persistent instigation when he finally takes up the dagger. Afterwards, the last vestige of a

righteous Macbeth has already begun to fade away, and in its place, an avaricious and

selfish criminal. Notably, he says to the murderers, “So he is mine; and in such bloody

distance that every minute of his being thrusts against my near’st of life” (3.1.115-117),

meaning that every minute of Banquo’s existence eats away at his heart. His revulsion

towards Banquo is emphasized by the hyperbole which demonstrates that he would

secure his crown at the cost of betrayal. Moreover, Macbeth quotes, “Come, seeling night,

scarf up the tender eye of pitiful day and with thy bloody and invisible hand cancel and

tear to pieces that great bond which keeps me pale. […] Good things of day begin to

droop and drowse; […] Things bad begun make strong themselves by ill” (3.2.46-55). In

contrast to the first great crime, Macbeth has taken the role as the conspirer of murder.

The apostrophe used in addressing night shows that Macbeth is seeking the assistance of

darkness to conceal his future crimes. “Great bond” refers to Banquo’s lineage of kings,

which Macbeth hopes to avert through the Fleance’s death. In doing so, Macbeth is

willing to let his “good things of day”, which metaphorically represent his conscience,

“droop and drowse”, which shows his intention to clear any remnants of goodness. The

last phrase translates into “bad deeds force you to commit more bad deeds”. Since

Macbeth has gained power through violence, he needs to retain it the same way. Crime

has breached Macbeth’s mind which led him to his second great crime.

   When Banquo is killed, Macbeth becomes even more reckless in his path to

tyranny. Macbeth quotes, as he decides to revisit the witches, “I am in blood, stepped in

so far that, should I wade no more, returning were as tedious as go o'er” (3.4.135–137).

The vivid imagery of blood emphasizes his burden of bad deeds and the impossibility of

atonement, which pushes him to commit more crimes. Furthermore, Macbeth becomes

outraged in hearing about Macduff’s desertion, and says,

Time, thou anticipat’st my dread exploits. The flighty purpose never is o’ertook unless the deed go with it […] I’ll raid Macduff’s castle, seize the town of Fife, and kill his wife, his children, […] No boasting like a fool. This deed I’ll do before this purpose cool. But no more sights” (4.1.144-156).

Even more so than before, he refrains from evaluating the consequences and purpose of 

his actions, as suggested by “This deed I’ll do before this purpose cool”. His mind has 

now deteriorated to the point that he is consciously forcing himself to be arbitrary and 

brutal, and to act upon his whim. He ceases to be scrupulous and discreet and makes no 

attempt in concealing his intention of murdering Macduff’s family. Moreover, he 

mentions that he wants no more hallucinations, through which one can imply that he 

determines to feel no more guilt from his actions, which also reflects a drastic change in 

character. In conclusion, Macbeth’s sinister personality becomes even more apparent 

after the death of Banquo.

    During Macbeth’s final hours, when he becomes acquainted with iniquity, he goes 

through a thorough transformation into the obnoxious tyrant. He reprimands the servant, 

“Go, prick they face and over-red they fear, thou lily-livered boy. […] Death of thy soul! 

Those linen cheeks of thine are counselers to fear. What soldiers, they-face?” (5.3.14-17).

Through the use of cacophony – “lily-livered”, “death” and “they-face”, one sees 

Macbeth’s strong detest against the hapless servant who is devoid of guilt. Macbeth has 

always used hypocrisy to conceal his vulgarity, which ceases to be the case. Partially due 

to the witches’ prophesies, but more so due to the immensity of his crimes that weighs 

heavy upon him, Macbeth has become heedless and arrogant, which is amalgamated with 

a vague sense of fear. Moreover, Macbeth refuses to be further informed with news of the 

rebellion and says, “Then fly, false thanes, and mingle with the English epicures” (5.3.7-

10). The metaphor of “epicures” - A person devoted to luxurious living - is used to show

 his disdain towards the rebels. Macbeth has also abandoned the value of loyalty, as he is 

oblivious to his dwindling subjects. This clearly demonstrates Macbeth’s tyranny, for, in 

the face of an invasion, he cares no more for the safety of his country, or that of his 

subjects. The abuse of crime has left Macbeth corrupt, and brings about his demise.

   Crime has always been the instigator of corruption. Macbeth becomes a victim of the 

insidious poison of crime after the murder of Duncan, which deteriorates him even more 

so after the death of Banquo, and leaves him in a malicious cycle of crimes. However, 

crime is not a death sentence. No matter how far one is down the path of crime, 

redemption is only a benevolent thought away.

Word Count: 1000.

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